Intagram Username Checker

Instagram Username Checker

Username Checker

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Instagram usernames seem basic. Everyone has them. But they are one of the most fundamental aspects of a successful Instagram profile. Instagram usernames are your digital identity. So, a well-chosen username is more than just a way for people to find you. It is vital to your brand recognition and growth.

At Grum, we understand the importance of creating the perfect username. That is why we have developed the Instagram Username Checker tool. This tool ensures you secure the ideal handle for your brand. 

Our Instagram Username Checker helps you know whether your desired brand identity is available. It can be an invaluable tool for choosing a name for your profile and researching successful Instagram accounts too.

Instagram Username Checker – What Is It About?

Choosing a username on Instagram is a critical decision. It is the first impression you make on potential followers. But with millions of names on Instagram, finding an available and memorable one can be daunting.

Introducing Grum Instagram Username Checker,  your free tool for checking usernames and the profiles bound to them. It does not just tell you if a username is available. Our Instagram Username Checker reveals vital details about an existing username. Such information includes the user’s full name, bio, followers, verified status, and privacy status. Also, the result gives you a link to the profile picture URL, letting you see the visual identity of the username.

Our free Instagram Username Checker can provide insights about existing accounts and help you make informed decisions. Imagine searching for a username related to your bakery and discovering it belongs to a verified food blogger. This valuable intel can inform your branding strategy.

With Grum Instagram Username Checker, you can claim the perfect Instagram username without relying on some guessing game.

How Grum Username Checker Works

Our Instagram Username Checker is an intuitive tool that can help you investigate any username on Instagram. Here is a step-by-step guide to using our Instagram Username Checker.

Step 1: Type or Paste a Username

Enter any username you want in the input field. It could be an existing username or a name you want to check for availability. 

Step 2: Hit the Check Username Button

Once you have entered your desired username, click the Check Username Button under the input field. This will prompt Grum’s system to search through Instagram’s vast database of usernames.

Step 3: View the Results

Grum Instagram Username Checker provides a comprehensive overview of the username you searched for. This result is almost instantaneous. Details of the result include:

  • Full Name and Bio: If the username exists, you can see the account owner’s full name. The result also features the current bio on the profile page. This can give you a quick insight into the profile details and even suggest the quality of the profile. Fake or inactive profiles tend to have zero or fewer bio content.
  • Follower and Following Count: Our tool tells you the follower count on the account, and how many other accounts they follow. This information indicates the profile’s reach and influence. This is especially useful if you consider contesting the username or a similar one with the current user. 
  • Verification Status: Discover if the username belongs to a verified account or otherwise. A verified account indicates authenticity and popularity.
  • Public or Private Profile: Know upfront if the profile is open to everyone or has privacy settings enabled.
  • Profile Picture URL: Our Username Checker also gives you a link to the profile picture.

Instagram Username Checker Limitation 

Our Instagram username checker offers a lot of information about an account. However, you cannot access historical data on usernames. This means that you only get to see information about an active username. Previously used usernames may not return any results. Additionally, profile information is limited to the latest data available on the profile.

Benefits of Using Grum Instagram Username Checker

Your Instagram username is your digital identity. That is why you want a name that is remarkable, unique, and easy to remember. But what if someone else has already taken your desired name?

That is where Grum’s Instagram Username Checker steps in. Consider some of the benefits our amazing tool offers:

  • Save Time

Do you have the extra time to do endless manual searches? Grum Instagram Username Checker lets you search more usernames at once and provides instant feedback about them. Enter your desired handles and get an instant result.

  • Make Informed Decision

Learn about any account username and its availability with our free username checker. A quick skim of the search results can enrich you with all the information you need for decision-making. Moreover, it offers a distraction-free outline of results, away from the tempting Instagram pictures and reels. 

  • Trademark Security

The last thing you want is to build your brand around a username only to discover a trademark conflict later. In addition, it could hurt your efforts if someone else is impersonating your account. So, you can search for your username and its variants to quickly identify impersonators. Identify such accounts and take the necessary steps immediately.

  • Free Tool

Like many of our free Instagram tools, the Instagram Username Checker is 100% free. You require no payments to access the full functionalities of the tool. In addition, you do not need to have an account with us or go through verifications to use our free Instagram Username Checker.

Instagram Usernames – How to Choose the Right Ones

Usernames go beyond mere identification. They are a crucial part of your Instagram profile URL. This unique web address makes it easy for people to access your profile directly. A clear and memorable username can go a long way in reaching a wider more audience. It makes it easier to share your profile. In addition, a competitive username can help you appear in more search results, boosting your visibility.

So, it is crucial to choose your username wisely. Here are some factors to consider when choosing your Instagram username.

  • Uniqueness

With millions of users, standing out is vital. A unique username makes you easily identifiable. It helps prevent confusion with other accounts. Do you need help creating a unique and effective username? Try our free username generator.

  • Memorability

A catchy and memorable username sticks in people’s minds. People are more likely to find and follow you if they remember your username. Therefore, it is best to choose a simple, yet unique username. If your content is on a particular niche, you can select a name other niche fans can easily remember.

  • Brand Alignment

For businesses and creators, username selection becomes an extension of branding. Your username must reflect your brand identity, values, and target audience. Additionally, maintaining a username style can help people recognize the link between accounts. This can add credibility and speed up profile growth for new accounts.

Advanced Username Checking Strategies

Our free Instagram Username Checker tool can help you look at existing accounts and check if a particular username is available. But you can maximize your search for usernames with these tips:

  • Use Keywords

Do not limit yourself to exact matches for usernames. Instead, use keywords related to your brand or niche. Searching for terms like fitness or travel can help you find hidden username gems you might have missed. This broadens your search scope and sparks creative inspiration.

  • Explore Other Grum Tools

Grum offers a toolbox beyond the Username Checker. Consider using our other tools alongside the Username Checker. For example, you could use the free bio generator to describe yourself and your niche. In the process, you could hit a great username idea.

  • Use Hashtags

You can check hashtags related to your niche and see how popular they are. Checking these hashtags can spark creativity and help you create better usernames. 

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I get usernames that are already taken?

Unfortunately, no. Instagram usernames function on a first-come, first-served basis. If a username is already in use by another account, you won’t be able to claim it for yourself.

  • What do I do if my preferred username is taken?

Firstly, add numbers, underscores, or abbreviations to your desired username. Also, think outside the box. Explore other usernames that still reflect your brand or niche. Just add a slightly different twist.

  • Does Instagram free up usernames from inactive accounts?

Instagram’s policy on inactive usernames is not entirely transparent. They might eventually reclaim usernames from truly inactive accounts. However, there is no set timeframe for this process.

  • Is it Necessary to Have an Instagram Account to Use the Instagram Username Checker?

Grum’s Instagram Username Checker does not require an Instagram account. Also, it allows you to check username availability without logging in.

  • Can I change my username after I create my account?

Yes, you can change your username at any time. However, frequent username changes might confuse your followers.

  • Can I use symbols or numbers in my username?

Yes, Instagram allows letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), underscores (_), and periods (.) in usernames. However, usernames cannot begin with a period or special symbol. Using special symbols and numbers is a creative way to use an already-taken username.


A strong username goes a long way in your Instagram strategy. Grum’s Username Checker helps you easily look up profiles and accounts using their usernames. This user-friendly tool offers valuable information about the usernames. Our tool can also be invaluable in helping you coin a new username for your profile. You can check if your username ideas are available and know about your competition. 

So, what are you waiting for? Try Grum’s Username Checker today and claim your rightful space on Instagram.

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